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Can Intermittent Fasting Slow the Aging Process

Each day we live on this earth, we continue to age. Add to that environmental factors that seem to speed up aging and it can feel like there isn’t anything we can do to slow it down other than applying fancy facial creams to reduce wrinkles and take the gray out of our hair with the latest hair coloring products. 

How Can Intermittent Fasting Slow Aging?

During times of famine, our bodies would be busy repairing internal damage to get us into good shape for the next opportunity to get some food. Keeping our bodies in good shape by repairing cellular damage was the best shot for survival. 

Thankfully there are a few things we can do that do to aid us a little more than those superficial fixes. A healthy diet and regular exercise help us live longer, healthier lives, as does occasional fasting according to the latest studies. When you start to think about it, it all starts to make sense. Back in the days when we had to work for our food by hunting or going out to gather grains, fruits and vegetables, we either had plenty of food, or we would have to go without. 

We don’t experience famines these days, so our internal self-repair mechanism rarely goes into effect. Intermittent fasting allows us to trigger it and gives our body a few hours each day when it isn’t busy digesting food and focus on cellular maintenance instead. The theory is that this is how fasting can help us live longer, healthier lives. 

“The idea of intermittent fasting may seem foreign, impossible and even scary to some but, I’ve got a secret for you! It’s something you do every single day,”  said Lee Holmes an internationally known expert of intermittent fasting. 

“As soon as you drift off to sleep at night until the moment you open your eyes in the morning, you’ve been doing intermittent fasting,” she said.

CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Typically Eats One Meal Per Day

They don’t call it break-fast for nothing because essentially you’re breaking the fast when you eat your first meal in the morning, she concluded.

Lee said the easiest way to begin fasting is to increase the time after your last meal in the evening and your breakfast in the morning.

Going through periods of fasting, followed by periods where food is plentiful, is a much more natural way of eating for us than having everything we want at our fingertips. It’s a simple way to help us get our weight under control and appreciate the food we eat more. 

That’s an interesting side-effect of intermittent fasting. Because we go through several hours without food, we tend to appreciate the meals we do have more and are satisfied more quickly. I hope you give intermittent fasting a try and see if it doesn’t make you feel better as well. And who knows, skipping a few meals here and there may just help you reverse the effects of aging and live a longer, happier life. Isn’t that something that’s worth giving intermittent fasting a try? It is for me. And I hope you’ll join me. 

What is Fasting

By definition fasting is willing abstinence from food and drink. Different people fast differently. Some will take a little food or nutrition in the form of juice; others will stick to only water and coffee or tea during the duration of their fast. 

See the 16/8 Method

What is Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a particular type of fasting where you go for long periods of the day without food, but end up having one or two meals. In essence you’re extending the period of time you usually go without food (while you’re sleeping) by several hours to give your body a chance to switch into fasting mode with all its health benefits.

Fasting can also help kick-start weight loss and repair the body, while reducing blood pressure and increasing energy.

See the East Stop Eat Method

I have found fasting is great way to keep me in control of what I eat when I eat. I’ve mentioned in previous posts my weight loss really started to kick into gear when I knowingly changed my relationship with food. A key part of this change was and is intermittent fasting. 


Nicoyan Power Crunch Bowl with Shrimp

Intermittent Fasting is a great way to manage your relationship with food. A key part to this endeavor is eating better. Home delivery programs like, Nutrition for Longevity, a farm-to-table meal delivery service is a great way to start.

Let’s live longer by eating better.
