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Can I Drink Coffee During My Intermittent Fast?

If you’re a coffee drinker like me one of the first questions that pops into your head is if you can have coffee while you fast. The good news is that yes you can have coffee. The bad news is that it has to be black coffee. You can’t go adding creamer, sugar or almost anything else to your coffee. 


So, If you’re asking yourself “What can I do to start losing weight,’ I’d ask, “How do you take your coffee?”

First Rule: Don’t Drink Your Calories

There are a few exceptions. We’ll talk about those in a moment. For now wrap your head around the idea of drinking black coffee for most of the day. Coffee is a great tool to make it through your fasting hours, particularly for the first part of the day. It wakes you up, keeps you full, and helps keep your energy up – all without a single calorie. 

Here in New Hampshire I’m always amazed by the people waiting in the drive through to get their coffee. Not only is this a waste of time and money, it’s a terrible way to start the day. 

As a personal rule I try not to drink my calories. And if you’re drinking black coffee you’re not consuming calories. 

Second Rule: Black Coffee Has Zero Calories

What if you don’t like to drink your coffee black? You have two choices. You can find something else to drink during your fasting hours like tea for example. Or you can learn to like black coffee. Yes, it’s a bit of an acquired taste, but it’s actually quite good on its own. You just have to get used to a dark and bitter drink instead of the sugary sweet concoction you’re enjoying right now. If it’s a huge deal, consider making the switch to black coffee before you start to fast in earnest. 

One thing that helps cut the bitterness in your coffee a bit and cool it down is to add a splash of cool water. Trust me, it works. If you want a little flavor, add a dash of cinnamon to your coffee in the morning. 

Third Rule: Black Coffee Won’t Raise Your Blood Sugar

Let’s talk about one other option when it comes to fasting. Traditionally during an intermittent fast, you don’t consume any food or calories during your fasting hours. Some people however find that they are fine having a little pure fat during that time. It won’t raise your blood sugar and will not trigger your body into producing insulin, which is one of the main reasons fasting is so good for the body. 

If you want to try it, add a teaspoon or two of pure, organic coconut oil to your coffee. If you blend it in, using your blender or a milk frother, it turns your coffee into a delicious creamy concoction. A second option is to make bulletproof coffee. In addition to coconut oil, add a pad of grass fed butter as well and blend. It’s delicious and will keep you full for hours to come. 

In my earlier post Three Ways to Lose Weight Drinking Coffee, I share an encounter I had with a relative during a holiday function a few years ago.   She was very overweight and all the earlier indicators of a rapidly deteriorating health. 

In my post I discuss how I think modifying your morning coffee toward black is the simplest an easiest way to get started toward successful weight loss. 

You may find in previous posts my opinion on changing your relationship with food. I have found over the years my relationship with food has been the key to my success and my weight management. And that relationship can start with your morning coffee. 

See my conversation with my relative on this topic and when you read please appreciate the fact she lost more than 100 pounds and she looks amazing.  

Yes you can drink black coffee during your fast and yes it will help you toward your goal of losing weight
